Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Real Face of Christ

Christians in the media seem to be mostly an angry lot. We hear about how gays are "attacking" the institution of marriage, how illegal immigrants are undermining our economy, how Hollywood has declared a culture war on Christian values, and how Islam is essentially a religion of violence. Now there may or may not be something to these claims (for those keeping score at home, the answers are "no, no, maybe, and not necessarily"). But can anyone deny that the most obvious and pure recent public example of the love of Christ is produced by those who care least about what our popular culture represents: the Amish of Lancaster County, PA? They've offered forgiveness for the killer of their children and financial support for his family. If you are at this moment at a place where tears won't embarrass you, please read these articles.

This, my friends, is the face of Christ.